Rupee Becomes First Indian Beer Sold at Major League American Sports

Rupee Beer, an Indian-inspired beer brand recently named Best Beer For World Food, made inroads into Major League American Sports with its multi-award winning basmati rice lager and mango wheat ale being sold at Fenway Park in Boston, MA, home of the nine time MLB World Series champions, the Boston Red Sox. The brand brews its beer locally just a few miles away from the stadium.
Part of the Red Sox India Day and Indian Association of Greater Boston celebrations, Rupee alongside an assortment of Indian food and Red Sox India day baseball jerseys were made available during the game for fans to enjoy.
The city of Boston is a vital part to Rupee as we strategically chose the city to brew our beer when production kicked off almost 2.5 years ago. Brewed with pristine quality in mind and premium rice, maize, malt, and three types of hops, Rupee Beer dismantles the traditional lager experience by lowering levels of carbonation to allow for a more comfortable and enjoyable dining experience when painting with world food, but also enjoying on a hot summer evening watching sports.